Frequently Asked Question

VPN Troubleshooting Guide
Last Updated 11 months ago

L2TP Error

This error can mean a number of different things, In the first instance please check that your device is connected to the WiFi and if it is connected but the error still appears, try rebooting your home router by unplugging it and plugging back in. There are some settings that get temporarily stored on routers and often this error relates to that, restarting the router will clear these settings.

There is no Network Login Button

If you are unable to see the network login button, the VPN is not functioning or not installed. Please contact IT

BS-VPN or WHS-VPN is not in the WiFi List

If you are unable to see BS-VPN or WHS-VPN from the wireless networks list, the VPN is not functioning or not installed. Please contact IT

Network Drives Not Connected

If your Home Area, Common Area or other network drives are showing a small, red cross underneath; it means that your computer is unable to connect to the drives. There are two things you can do to troubleshoot this:

  • Ensure you are connected to the internet and VPN. Disconnecting from either, even if only momentarily will cause the drives to disconnect and stop functioning. Reconnecting to the internet and VPN will solve that - the VPN can also be accessed from the WiFi icon in the system tray.
  • Opening the drives anyway. In some cases we have seen that the drives appear as disconnected but are actually still accessible. Clicking on these drives should update the icons if they are accessible.

If the drives are still inaccessible after trying these two steps, please contact

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